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about the market

A modern and spanky Agri Aqua central terminal in Calamba Laguna.


Built on an area of 1.5 hectare in the National Highway of Calamba in the cross road on the way to Sto. Tomas Batangas and Los Baños, Chefs and Cooks Market boasts of a well lighted with high ceiling market area and a huge parking area.


Likewise, it houses several food concessionaries in the designated food court area.

The destination is not only on the concept design of the central terminal for Agri and Aqua products, but also on the overall sentiment the customers/buyers will experience when they shop for their basic necessities.


The market shall be the hub for food connoisseur, Hotels, and Restaurants cooks, chefs and ordinary households as it will offer wholesale prices at farmgate freshness concludes Ms. Rufino. Several stalls are now open for lease.

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